Is Global Warming Making Allergy Season Worse in Boise?
Tis the season for "seasonal allergies" and it seems that everywhere I go, I hear more and more people saying that this has been the worst year yet. To be honest, I have to agree--I've never had seasonal allergies get me as bad as they have over the past couple of months. One week, I completely lost my voice. This week, I can hardly stop sneezing or clearing my throat--both things that you don't want to be doing during a global pandemic if you want ANYONE to come around you. Regardless, the consensus seems uniform: this spring has been an INTENSE ride for those who suffer from allergies.
What is the reason behind all of this? Science points to global warming.
Sure, we all know that Global Warming may well be one of the most "controversial" topics when it comes to political theatre, but among the science community, a shift in our climate and of earth's temperature isn't really a highly debated thing. Science points to the answer of "yes, it's happening". The cause, the cure, and the harm are what continue to be studied.
An article shared by NBC News early on in the allergy season points to a few different ways that allergens in our air are simply worse this year.
According to the studies shared by these particular scientists, the warmer that the Earth gets, the earlier that the spring season starts for animals and plants--in other words: release the pollen! Oh, and by the way--the more carbon dioxide for trees and plants means more pollen. What a party...that I want nothing to do with. But, here we are.
With this trend happening across the globe--could it mean Boise is just another place it's occuring? Odds are--yes, we're clumped in with the rest of allergy season victims.
Now, for the real important question: does anyone know how to get these *sneeze* allergies under control!?
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