I just came up with an idea that's either incredibly brilliant or incredibly selfish.

My favorite coffee shop, Zero Six Coffee Fix has two tip jars on their counter right now.  One says "transplant," one says "Idahoan."  I've been living in the Treasure Valley long enough now that I don't feel like a transplant anymore...until the holiday season.  That's when it really hits me that my family is on the other side of the country.  My little sister just got a job at the Mayo Clinic and is now living in Minnesota with her husband. My parents both still live in North East Ohio.

My dad sent me an e-mail with the subject line "It's Never Too Early" last week. He shot me a link to some Boston Bruins mini figs he'd like for Christmas and asked me if I had any ideas for what I wanted for Christmas this year.

After typing out three items and a paragraph about why I wanted each of them, what sizes or color I was looking for, etc...I realized it was probably easier to set up a Pinterest board that I could share with my family instead!  You know, so that it had the colors, sizes and links to purchase those gifts all in one location.

I think it it was a BRILLIANT idea considering this year a lot of my list is specific running clothes items, shoes, etc that I need to keep my legs healthy on the road/trails.  But at the same time, I can't help but feel a little guilty that I flat out sent my family links to buy me some pretty expensive items for Christmas. :-X

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