Mijo’s Top 5 Youtube List
As we inch forward to the end of 2015 many flashbacks and rewinds are going to be happening. Daniel Kim created his Pop Danthology 1 & 2, DJ Earworm put together his 2015 Mix and YouTube even made their own video recapping this past year and their Tenth Anniversary.
So you know the best of 2015 lists are coming and I want to give you one of mine. I am a huge YouTube follower and I have definitely found my share of favorite YouTube channels I think are quite impressive. I'm going to give you my top five channels to subscribe to (not including our own KISSFM YouTube page). So without further ado, check out these youtube channels and start wasting some time haha.
#5. BuzzFeedVideo
The reason why is because it's fun. They have quirky videos that entertain all the time, they have "The Try Guy" crew who are absolutely fantastic, they have the "Whine About it Segment" with Matt Bellasai who absolutely nails normal complaints about life, and they also manage to hit deep issue within our life. They just posted a video 2 days ago on the topic of suicide and they interviewed a survivor of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. This channel is easily in my top five because of the various topics they cover. It's fun, emotional, real, casual, quick. If you want a good way to start using some of your free time on YouTube, I would suggest hitting this channel up.
#4. WatchCut Video
Though a newer channel on YouTube, it easily has some of the best content on the platform. What they do really well, in my opinion, is break down the wall on serious topics by having thoughtful discussions with people affected in situations; for veterans day they interviewed Veterans of our military and asked them what it was like to kill. It's something that isn't spoken about often but they found the right people and asked the right questions. They also have fun on this site with a series called Truth or Drink. They bring in 2 people related to each other somehow and make them ask each other awkward questions. My favorite segment of this series is when they brought in kids and parents and asked them extremely awkward questions. This channel is definitely one you want to subscribe to for all of the unique content they produce.
This channel is a mix between awesome, fun, and inspirational. Furious Pete is an extremely massive guy, but he was actually a person who battled anorexia growing up. Through lifestyle changes, a support group, and weightlifting he changed his life around. He owns his own gym now, is a competitive eater and owns his own clothing line which is pretty dope. By following his life, you see what it takes for someone who battles an eating disorder but manages to keep his life on track, and you see how much fun he has with life. Earlier this year he had a battle with testicular cancer and he documented the whole thing. He shows you the ups and downs of daily life with his relationships, his business, his disorder and his battle with cancer. One of a my favorite vlogs to follow cause the dude is super humble and a straight badass.
#2. RomanAtwoodVlogs
Roman Atwood and his family have amassed a YouTube empire. One of his most famous pranks is where he threw his "kid" off a balcony. He got a lot of flack for it, but it has been viewed 38 million times. They have one of the most recognized brands with his Smile More Store and their awesome YouTube channel. He was in the top 10 of highest earning YouTube stars, making just over $2.5 million. Their daily vlog is pretty much an open book to their life. Their struggles with keeping and running business, to custody battles, to how he struggled to find his way in life, to how a normal family interacts with each other. His vlogs are one of my go-to's when I get on YouTube. If you want to have some fun, relax and just see some family antics that you have probably went through, I suggest subscribing to this channel.
#1. CaseyNeistat
This channel is the first thing I watch when I get on YouTube. Casey Neistat is a seasoned videographer and just started his vlog series just under a year ago. The reason I love his vlogs so much is the story telling he provided. Almost 99% of the time his vlogs are under ten minutes, but the story he provides in those ten minutes is always compelling. Also the fact that he lives in New York is a plus for me. There is always good content in a city that big. He is a filmmaker, an entrepreneur, a father, and all around amazing guy. His story is quite incredible. He does weekly Q and A's which he offers insights that you don't normally hear, and gives people a unique perspective on work, life, parenting, big cities, and life. Out of all these channels I would highly suggest you start watching this one. It is by far my favorite.
What are some your favorite Youtube Channels?