It's weird and I don't admit it much but I have always wanted to be on Wheel of Fortune. It's cheesy, it's one of the oldest game shows on TV and it's on my bucket list. Well, I wanted to until I saw a guy named Robert play. How was his win even human?

"Always try your hardest," my mom would say. "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game," she'd remind me. This is the same mom who I got all my competitive edge from and who has a hard time with participation awards. See what I'm up against? She's amazing.

If I ever get to be on Wheel of Fortune, my plan is to go all the way to the final puzzle. I want to hear Pat Sajak tell me that I have the letters RSTLNE and wait for the screens to light up so Vanna can touch the side bringing the letters to life.

Then I discovered Richard. That's when my dreams were dashed.

Who is this man who solves a puzzle with just one letter?

On Friday night while the NCAA tournament aired on most of our TVs, Robert was dominating the game of Wheel of Fortune and ended up taking home almost $80,000!

Instead of being a jerk and taking off with his money, he actually shared his secrets.

Guess what? My dream is back!

How to pre-plan for Wheel of Fortune

In an interview with, Robert says the show called him before anything even started to let him know that the show he was going to be playing in was sponsored by Carnival Cruise Line and the puzzles would be nautical-themed. Just based on this information, Robert created a study guide outlining every possible phrase, place, etc.

There's a message board with past puzzles they may use again

Sometimes Wheel of Fortune uses the same puzzles twice, even three times.

Robert posted:

I went to this extensive WOF episode guide and did a Ctrl-F search for "Cruise", "Fish" and "Sea" and made note of the dates. Then I went to the compendium and wrote down all the themed puzzles from those weeks, marking such puzzles with an asterisk to note that they had been previously used on the show. I then alphabetized the list to organize it by category.


HERE is a play-by-play of what Robert went through before and during his play time at Wheel of Fortune.

I can actually hear myself geeking out right now. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I am still writing about this.

Do you have a nerdy or completely weird dream that you still want to have come true?

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