Open Letter to My Mom on Mother’s Day
It just happened that I could have my mom in town for Mother's Day weekend. She came in from Spokane, WA where I grew up. Whenever I talk to my mom, I think of all the things I didn't realize she's done so I wanted to thank her for the experiences I've had growing up.
"I will always love you – no matter what."
It runs through my mind every time I look into Colton’s little 8-year-old eyes. I tell him that often. It’s because it’s what you said to me when I was little and a teenager and now as an adult.
I still have no idea how to be a mom. Every day holds something new. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions but now I understand why when I said “I love you more,” you would respond with “It’s not possible.”
Looking back, I realize I never thanked you for everything you did and for the sacrifices you made. I just powered through life coming to expect that you’d always be there for me. I don’t take that for granted anymore.
Thank you for staying up through the night to finish my American History project in 8th grade when I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Thank you for teaching me that the way to get the best fast food is to split everything up so you get the best of the best (shout out to McDonalds french fries – always the last stop so they were hot and salty). Thank you for your adventures driving to Coeur d’Alene in the convertible listening to the music I wanted to listen to even though you knew it was wildly inappropriate, thank you for holding my homecoming date back so I could watch one of the final Mariners playoff games. Thank you for understanding that I was so truly sorry for shoplifting at Nordstrom and for trusting that I would have worked until the day I died in order to earn your trust back. Thank you for always hugging me tight and rocking the calm into me no matter how old I got. Thank you for the crafts we typically screwed up. Thank you for believing in me enough to start a business that we absolutely CRUSHED for almost five years. Thank you for not disowning me every time I would say, “I have an idea”. Thank you for your patience and love as I figured out what life was all about. Thank you for sacrificing literally everything in life for Ryan and I. But most of all, thank you for loving me as me and never expecting anything from me other than the person I am.
How does one be a great mom? They just have to be like you.
Love, Tawsha