When The Dish closed this fall, it was unclear what would be moving into the vacant space on 10th Street.  Now we have a better idea of what's to come!

On Sunday, my boyfriend and I went to watch the Pro Bowl at Old Chicago.  Somehow one of the servers and I got into a discussion about sushi places in the Treasure Valley. I'm partial to Shige and Darhma because they're downtown and easy for me to get to.  Her favorite? Raw Sushi on Vista.  That's when I remembered what I saw on Twitter a few days ago!

Our friend Don at BoiseDev dug up some information that the former Dish location on 10th Street will reopen as Raw Sushi and it's sister restaurant, Willowcreek Grill.  He learned the news from a sign in the 10th Street window.

The exact opening date of the new location is unknown.

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