Would I wear anything but 90's tees to the 'I Love the 90's' tour? As if. I'm walking through Macy's at the mall and literally stopped in my tracks. What is that I see sitting on a big table in the middle of the aisle? 90'S SHIRTS EVERYWHERE!

via Macys
via Macys


My sincere apologies to those who were attempting to walk behind me as I completely slammed on my brakes holding a healthy crowd back from being able to walk freely through the clothing. I found the cutest tees and immediately thought of the 'I Love the 90's Tour' coming through Boise. We have tickets for you HERE.


via Macys
via Macys


If you're going on a date...


via Macys
via Macys


Tell me you're not in love with all these tees and are considering taking a lunch break to head to the mall and come back with a bag full of 90's gear and an iced coffee from Dutch Bros. Go ahead, try and tell me that I don't have the best idea evaaaaaahhhhhh!

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