As summer winds down, it's no secret that there is a sense of change in the air. Temperatures are dropping (a little bit, anyway), school is back in session, sports like football have returned, and halloween decorations are all over local stores.

Usually in the summertime when temperatures begin to drop, we get a little bit of stormy weather but what the Treasure Valley has been experiencing this year has been a little (and by that we mean a lot) more than we're used to.

Late Saturday night, residents began to notice lightning--and then we all began to notice that these lightning strikes weren't stopping. They went on for HOURS--the sky looked like a strobe light!

Let's take a look at some of our favorite shots that were shared with us from the weekend storm!

Non-Stop Lightning Invades Boise Skies

We can't believe how many great photos that you all were able to share with us! Check out some of our favorites from the weekend storm!

Which shots were your favorites!? 

As we like to do, we asked our awesome Facebook followers to share their pictures and that is what brought together some of our favorite shots from this peculiar storm.

We also took to Twitter and found some AMAZING videos from the storm--since when do we get weather like this, Boise!?



Storm Clouds & Rainbows Invade Boise During Storm

Thanks to so many in the community that either submitted photos or allowed us to use their photos for this storm recap! Take a look!

Electrifying Look at Boise Lightning

How cool are the images captured by local Treasure Valley residents!?

A Look at Boise's Crazy Rain & Lightning Storm

It didn't matter where you were in the Treasure Valley--this crazy storm hit your neighborhood. Here are some of our favorite user-submitted photos!

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