Now that I think about it. My mom was pretty much "Marry Poppins"...ish! Call her "Teri Poppins! She honestly had everything in her purse...


One time, I kid you not! She pulled out a dust buster.. and BOOM! The Doritos ( I remember correctly they were "Cool Ranch") that I spilled all over..were gone in seconds! I was looking around like "Hey! Did anyone else see my mom just whip out that Dust Buster??"

Even my Dad, "Hey Dad, do you have...(name anything that could be in a garage)" and I promise you he will say.. "Yea! I think its over by the lawn mower!" How do they do it!!

Parents are like super heros!

It must be all the ABC Family I have been watching that made me think of this, but...

1. It's the "25 Days Of Christmas"

2. They are slapping the "10 year old Huggie in the face" with all these sweet moives!

Mom, Dad...much love!

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