The Boise Craigslist Scam is Back
That home you're living in right now could be on Craigslist listed "for rent". Scammers are listing homes while people are living in them to get instant money. Looking for a home? Make sure it's actually available.
Scammers are taking the photos and text descriptions of homes listed on Craigslist and re-listing the home. They are offering great homes at reasonable pricing then asking for personal information and a $50 application fee.
This scam actually has a name. It's called the "phantom rental". The Federal Trade Commission has ways to protect yourself from this happening.
It's happening right here in the Treasure Valley and the scammers are making some serious cash.
If you find a house you're completely in love with and it's for a great price, be aware of the next steps. It could be perfect or it could be too good to be true. Avoid wire transfers, doing business with someone out of the country and paying any security deposit before signing a lease.