Wizard World Heads To Boise
If there is one thing that stretched my imagination as a kid, it was Harry Potter. I feel pretty lucky to have grown up DURING the Harry Potter craze because there was nothing more exciting (but simultaneously painful) than waiting for the new book or movie to be released. In fact, I remember one year lining up with friends outside of the Barnes & Noble right here in Boise until midnight when the book was released.
Insert a stereo typical line about how "kids these days" will never understand, here.
I came across this event that may just bring that Harry Potter wizarding world back to life for many and it's happening from July 13th through July 15th, this summer!
Boise Wizard World Comic Con is set to take place for three days that weekend of July 13th and the Boise Centre West (850 West Front Street) and will feature vendors--local, regional, and national as well as to-be-announced guest speakers!
While "Wizard" is in the name and Harry Potter attire certainly isn't frowned upon--this Conic Con will be covering all of the bases--from movies to super heroes (and villains) so start working on your costume and get ready!
For more on the event, click HERE.