In an unprecedented move, the Pentagon has announced that all combat positions in the military are now open to women.  Do you agree or disagree with their decision?

Prior to the announcement there were about 200,000 combat positions within the armed forces that were not available to women.  That means women will now be able to drive tanks, give orders, and lead infantry soldiers into combat.

Of course, women would not just be handed the positions to make up for the gender gap.  They would still have to qualify and meet the standards for the position.

The announcement comes mere months after Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver became the first women to graduate from the US Army's Ranger School.

I fully support the decision, but am so discouraged when I see comments like this one from Jezebel user "Eww7633":

"I’m definitely prepared to get attacked for this, but..... this isn’t going to be easy. I served as an Army Infantryman, and adding women to that mix will be, to say the least, complicated. It’s not that I’m against the principle of opening the jobs, more so the actual logistics of implementing it in a way that won’t be a huge distraction to the mission. Many men will be nothing but professional during this integration, but many many others will not. And deservedly so, they should probably be kicked out. But it’s going to be a rough transition to add women to an infantry platoon."

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