“Add The Words” Effort Presented to Idaho Senate
A Boise State Senator has presented a bill to the Idaho State Senate that "add the words" -- a nationwide effort to end discrimination. It's a big step and soon, legislators could be voting on it.
With the political climate in our country a little more vicious than ever lately, I know that opinions are strong on both sides of the argument. The Senator, Maryanne Jordan's proposal is very simple: add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the already existent State of Idaho discrimination laws.
While I certainly support the effort, I find it tough to imagine any of us in Idaho would want ANY discrimination allowed...in my opinion, discrimination at say, work or in public, for individuals because of who they love in their personal life is just unacceptable and I think we can all get behind protecting our fellow Idahoans.
Learn more about the legislation as it was presented, HERE.