An Open Apology To My Fellow Idahoans
Glowtato, Potato, big 'ol turd... everyone has a different name for that annual New Years eve tradition here in the Treasure Valley. This year, unlike any other in recent history, the anticipation behind the new year was STRONG. With nothing to do, nightlife shut down for the most part, and crowds kept to a minimum, how does one celebrate the end of a complete dumpster fire of a year? I'm not sure that any of us had the answer.
In my usual tongue-in-cheek fashion, I made a joke on the radio--the afternoon of New Years Eve, comparing the giant Idaho potato to a turd. With a year like we had in 2020, it all just seemed to come together. It didn't take long for an email to come blazing into my inbox at work--calling me out for the poor taste in humor. I'll leave the author anonymous, but the message said:
Your comments of the Potato drop as turd are offensive. It is a symbol of how many Idaho residents proudly make their living, whether we are 16 or 60. How dare you degrade our livelihood and the agricultural foundation this state was built on. Maybe take a poll of how many hardworking people you’ve just tossed in the dumpster. Thanks for the support KISS FM. Won’t ever listen to you again.
I hear your message and now, I feel I owe you an apology.
Dear FELLOW Idahoans,
It is with great sincerity that I write to apologize for offending our beloved Idaho Potato Drop. By far, this event stands as the most unique way to ring in a new year potentially in the entire country. On New Years Eve, I sarcastically referred to the potato as a giant turd--and while I stand by my statement that it does look a little like a turd, I apologize to any whom may have not heard the sarcasm in my voice. I am a proud born and raised Idahoan that understands how much we love our potatoes here in the Gem State and vow to never degrade our agricultural roots!
Shouts to the event organizers, who I've had the privilege of working with in the past. Putting on any event is an admirable task-- especially one this size.
So yes, Idaho-- our potatoes do kind of look like turds--but I love them as much as all of you.
Mateo -- your friendly, locally grown, potato loving radio personality
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