Are Boise Workers Safe?
Another horrible story coming out of the Treasure Valley today having to do with workplace safety. Last week, I wrote about the unfortunate freak accident at HP where a man driving a front loader lost his life when a heavy metal box fell and hit the cab of his vehicle. Today KTVB reports another man lost his life while working.
A 44-year-old man was found dead Tuesday night after deputies say he apparently came into contact with an electric fence while working in an Eagle pasture. According to the Ada County Sheriff's Office, the man had been fixing irrigation equipment near Beacon Light and Eagle roads when he touched a live electric cattle guard fence.
The man was reportedly last seen leaving to check equipment at around 4:30 p.m. and his body wasn't found until around 8 pm. At this time foul play is not suspected.
Of course, my deepest thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the victim.