City of Boise Welcomes New E-Bike Program
Here in the Treasure Valley, there aren't too many ways to get around. We love our city, but it is very spread out and for those that need to commute, often, a car is the only realistic way to get around. Although a decent public transportation system does exist, it doesn't run at all hours of the day like many cities may offer and the times are certainly not as frequent.
What fills the gap besides ride share apps such as Uber, Lyft, and others?
Well, bikes.
People in the Treasure Valley LOVE to ride their bikes and even so, there's always a debate on who is handling the roadways properly: bikers, drivers or...maybe even nobody?
Expect to see a new fleet of bikes on the streets that could be helping Boise residents get from Point A to Point B more often, thanks to Valley Regional Transit.
You know Valley Regional Transit because of their bus line but now, there is a fleet of E-Bikes in play, or: vall-Ebikes as they're calling them.
While this may not be many bikes, by the end of next year they hope to have the fleet up to about 300 bikes or more. These are all the craze right now because not only are hey great bikes, but they are electric powered meaning that "peddling" to work or wherever it is the ride needs to go isn't so difficult.
Interested in checking one out for free? You can get a FREE half-hour of riding by downloading the Vall-eBike app and entering the promo code: RIDEVALLEBIKE
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