I know that I have written this about a million times but I can't sat it enough (and if you are or have ever been a pet owner--you'll get this): adopting my cat has been the greatest decision of my adult life. When I was a kid, I never really had any pets. I had a goldfish once and an outdoor rabbit that eventually ran away-- yeah, it's totally random. Without having pets in the house as a kid, I really never knew what I was missing when it came to having one as an adult. Fast forward a couple of years in a relationship and a new found love for cats--I ended up adopting my cat Piccolo from a foster parent about thirty minutes outside of Spokane, Washington.

While I've grown into a total cat guy, I understand that there are just as many happy and awesome dog adoption stories as well--if you've ever considered making that step towards bringing home a doggo--perhaps this deal with Coors Light will be what pushes you over and makes you finally do it!

You may have seen online that Kansas City Chiefs defensive lineman Derrick Nnadi was paying for dog adoptions in Kansas City, MISSOURI recently. Coors Light (yes, the beer) loved the idea so much, they're now doing the same.

Just announced, Coors Light will reimburse up to $100 in fees for eligible dog adoptions across the entire country up until February 21st!  You must be 21-years-old or older to participate but no, no beer purchase is necessary. The beer company hopes to spend $100,000 in helping some doggos's find their forever homes.

All you have to do is text 'COORS4K9' to 28130 with a photo of the adoption receipt and they'll Venmo you some cash.

For more, click HERE.


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