We're used to Boise topping a LOT of lists by now--more often than not, it's a list surrounding something that us locals are proud of...but that really wish it could be kept a secret. According the data published by Forbes, Boise is topping another list and in all seriousness, it's one that many nationwide are envious of.

COVID-19, or, Coronavirus, has been no joke. It has terrorized business, employment, health, and so much more. Officials are working to balance a care for public health all while navigating economies that simply can't crash.

According to Moody's Analytics and Forbes, cities that were projected to have promising growth and economies in 2020 BEFORE COVID-19 hit, will fare best when it comes to recovery. Boise's growth is no secret which has us atop this list with nine other cities. Durham, North Carolina, Madison, Wisconsin, and Provo, Utah are other notable cities making the list of ten with bright recoveries projected. Population density, workforce quality, and education were major factors in the data collected.

To see more about this prediction and the ten cities most likely to struggle in recovery, click HERE.

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