Hepatitis A Confirmed in Boise Diner Employee
Health scares are always the worst type of scare because so much can go wrong and unless your a medical doctor or a medical professional of some sort-- you really know nothing about what is going on and have to rely on the professionals you're seeing. If you are anything like me, you start reading the likes of 'WebMD' and realize that even the smallest cough results in stage 4 terminal cancer and then you REALLY stress out.
Well, Hepatitis A is certainly something serious that I have never had to deal with and I'm glad about that. You may recall last summer, Public Health Officials released a statement about an employee testing positive at the Red Robin in Boise on Parkcenter Boulevard. Now, public health officials are speaking up again--this time, about a diner.
This food-worker employee who recently tested positive for Hepatitis A was working at a popular spot, 'Black Bear Diner' on State Street and Glenwood and was working there while contagious.
Did you eat there recently? Officials have released the dates that the employee worked. They are:
January 26, 30, 31
February 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16
According to the Department of Health, the restaurant was inspected and declared safe.
Check your immunization records and should you have any questions, you can call the Central District Health Department at: 208-321-2222