Homeless Shelter in Need of Summer Supplies
Imagine being outside for the entire day under the Idaho sun. Now add to the fact that you have no way to stay cool or prevent a sunburn. The homeless are in need of your donations during the hot summer months.
Interfaith Sanctuary is asking for your help for summer supplies for the homeless population starting today. It's not unusual for temps to reach 100 degrees - which will happen on Wednesday. It's impossible to stay cool outdoors. If you have (or are willing to get) the follow items, they can be put to good use:
- Sunscreen
- Lip balm
- Reusable water bottles
- Aloe vera
If you are driving around town and see anyone suffering from sun exposure, call 911.
In years past, there were temporary cooling stations set up for those who were/are unable to find a place to cool down. This includes families, kids and the homeless. Dates and locations for those will be announced when they become available.
All donations can be dropped off at Interfaith Sanctuary's office at 599 S. Americana Blvd between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays. Have questions? email cindy@interfaithsanctuary.org.