Humane Society Searching for Cutest Cats
Let me be clear, transparent, up front, honest, and all of the above right now: my cat Piccolo is smarter, cuter, faster, and better than your cat. But I'm sure second place has some awesome prizes, too!
Ok, Ok, I'll tone down the arrogance. But I DO plan on entering my cat, Piccolo, into this contest through the Idaho Humane Society. The contest, called See Stripe Sit, has a few different "CAT-egories":
- Most Laugh Out Loud Cat Photo
- Best Cat Trick Photo (or Video)
- Craziest Cat Nap Photo
- Grumpiest Cat Photo
- Overall Champion
Each of these categories are divided into weeks, so you'll need to submit during the week in which the category you believe your cat can win.
There is a small registration fee but those funds go towards helping out the Idaho Humane Society. The fee includes one entry into any or ALL of the 4 weekly contests, a custom shopping tote, and admission to the Sip N Purr event--at which the overall champion will be named.
For more on this event and how to register, click HERE.