Where did the workforce go? Is anybody out there? It's such a confusing concept to grasp and it has been going on since the pandemic really grasped our nation. What we're feeling here in the Treasure Valley isn't isolated only to us-- it's a nationwide trend.

Pull up to just about any business in our area and you're going to see the same signage: we're hiring. Business of all shapes, sizes, types, and focuses are feeling the pain. The rhetoric aimed towards employees is rather aggressive: "people don't want to work" and "kids these days just don't get it".  Is something greater going on?

Regardless of what each individual situation may entail, at the end of the day Idaho's employers have jobs and they're looking for employees.

Maybe you find yourself employed and needing change--or maybe you've been out of a gig and you're ready to get back in. Need a side hustle? That's an option too.

Who could you see at the job fair?

Employers include but are not limited to: 

  • ACHD
  • Boise Centre
  • Boise School District(Facilities/Operations)
  • Cintas
  • DAS-CO
  • Darigold
  • DirecTV
  • Durham School Services
  • Home Helpers Home Care
  • Idaho Youth Ranch
  • Inn at 500 Capitol
  • Peak Security of Idaho
  • Roaring Springs
  • Treasure Valley YMCA


The event is set to take place on April 27th at Taft Elementary School (3722 W Anderson Street in Boise) and will be going on from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.


Interested in making bank? There are some jobs here in Boise that PAY: 

The 20 Highest Paying Jobs in Boise

According to the latest figures published on the Idaho Department of Labor's website, these are the highest paying jobs in "Boise City." That region includes Ada, Canyon, Boise and Gem counties.

These Idaho Jobs Are Hiring And Pay Over $100k A Year

Check out positions open in Idaho right now that are paying over $100,000 a year.

Top Reasons Why Idahoans Are Ditching Their Toxic Jobs

Idahoans are sick of being mistreated in their workplaces, so they're saying: "Boy, bye."

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