I'm doing something that has needed to been taken care of for awhile now. I kept lying to myself and telling myself I had it under control, but I didn't. So now I am here to tell you the truth.

I have battled weight issues my whole life. I was born with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot and also I was born with only one lung (I will discuss these things at a later time). I lost a ton of weight in high school and felt really good about about myself.


So good, that in fact I stopped my diet and I finally felt a part of a group and started going by the wayside. As I came to Boise, I had already put on most of the weight I had lost. As I made my way through college, all the partying and trying to fit in added more weight to my frame. I ballooned and add a lot of extra weight that has been hurting me in a lot of ways.


Well as of yesterday, I decided to take control of my life again. I got a personal trainer and also decided to make small important changes in my life. I have decided to carry around a water jug so I always have fluids with me instead of going out and getting myself some really good juices or sodas. I have decided to meal prep my lunches and dinner for the week so I don't go mindless wasting money that does not make my body run at full efficiency. I have fixed my bike so I don't waste money on gas and I get a workout to and from work.


As I go through this journey, I would love your support and help. If you know any healthy recipes, email them to me, if you like to walk lets go for a walk and we can get to know each other.

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