Nampa Police Warn of Dangerous Blue Pill
A small blue pill is causing great concern in the Treasure Valley and the Nampa Police Department along with all local authorities want the public to be aware of it.
Here in the Treasure Valley, we're lucky enough to live in overall, a very safe and clean area. You don't see blatant drug abuse in the streets like you do in major cities and it's not often there is major tragedy in the news. Now, all things in consideration, that's not to say that tragic or criminal things aren't going on at all in our area--it's just nice to have the positive outweigh the negative.
A recent discovery by Nampa Police has lead to an urgent plea from authorities to be on the lookout and to be very caution of a blue pill being sold as OxyContin.
In the last two days, Nampa Police have responded to a total of THREE overdoses of this exact same pill which means something must just be getting into the Treasure Valley. The pills are potentially fatal and are not what they're claiming to be when sold. Nampa Police took to Facebook and wrote:
In that post is a photo of the pill, as well,
In the grand scheme, three overdoses may not seem like much but it is certainly a surge. I started scrolling through the comments on the post and found one by a man who says he is the father of a child that is currently hospitalized over this drug. According to this comment, he says that his 15-year-old son took half of one of these pulls and the hospital believes it to be laced with fentanyl-- according to him, it's being purchased via Snapchat.