“Nextdoor” The New Local Neighborhood App
I recently discovered a new (well, new to me) app called:"Nextdoor." Next door is a free, private social network for your specific neighborhood. The way it works is you enter your name, address, and must verify your identity to your entered address by providing a phone number. It sounds minimally invasive, but the app wants to be sure all its members are real people and not trolls posting nonsense. The idea of the app is to provide a space where local members of the community can post about anything from suspicious activity like weirdos hanging on the street corner, to lost property, yard sales, etc. After I plugged my information in, I was surprised to see how much activity was being posted about in my area. People are really using this app! One of the things I saw were people alerting others to recent car break-ins on their street and reminding others to lock their doors.