Live and learn. That's how we should look at life. If you hadn't done it, you wouldn't have learned from it...or learned you love it.

Elite Daily comprised a list of things you should do in life and NOT feel bad for. I added my own commentary (you're welcome). I can feel my regrets falling away. Just like that. You try it.

  1. Choosing the wrong major. I mean, seriously. We do what we can. When it comes to our majors, we either do it as a career or not. It's all good. Just get that degree and move right along.
  2. Making the wrong choice about college. Going to college or not is up to you. If you don't go and regret it...then go now. If you go and don't want to be there, don't go. Coming from someone who didn't go to college, there's a chunk of life you'd miss out on. As much as you may not like it and as hard as it is the two months before graduation, it's worth it and you'll be a completely different person than the one you would be without it. Is that good or bad? You decide.
  3. Drinking too much that night. Your body will take care of the regret and guilt. Next time, work some water or NOHO into your routine, will ya? I bet you have good stories. That's something isn't it?
  4. Dating a total d-bag. You know what I'm talking about. It's the same guy you can't get off your mind and the same guy you put forth ALL the effort for and he returns almost no effort. Yeah, that one. While you can't get that time back, you can move forward and know what a d-bag boyfriend looks like and run FAR away. Don't forget that part of it.
  5. Spending too much on something. Okay, this is one I reason ALL the time. If it's clothing, what I do is wear it as much as possible. Then, I take what I bought it for, divide it by the amount of times I've worn it and see what each "wear" cost me. All of a sudden, that clothing is dirt cheap! You're welcome!
  6. Picking the wrong job. In life, it's all temporary. You don't have to stay at your same job forever. Just do the very best you can and work on creating new relationships with other people in the hopes of getting a job with them. Keep those eyes open for new opportunities. Once you are able to leave that crappy job, you'll know you didn't like it and are able to eliminate it from your options next time.
  7. Yelling at someone you love. Ooooh, this is a tough one. This is what bugs me almost the most. Thankfully, if you've done it to someone you love, it's likely they will forgive you. It's okay to show your emotions and share your feelings but remember to simmer a bit next time. Okay? Okay.
  8. Leaving someone you love. Let's talk about this. What kind of love is it? At some point in time, we need to move forward with life. If you're leaving said person, perhaps there's a good reason? Still love them but love them from a distance. Wow, my reasoning skills are really taking shape right now. I'm kind of proud of myself.
  9. Making out with your ex's best friend. Hold up. Your ex...okay, his best friend. Oh, gotcha. He's your ex. The friend kissed you, too. There. Done. It's going to be just fine. I've done worse. Way worse. It's a story for another time.
  10. Getting in trouble with the law. Unless you're reading this from prison, things probably worked out okay. Whatever it was, I'm sure you look at the law a little bit differently. There. Problem solved.
  11. Not saying "I'm sorry". Sometimes that person knows your sorry even when you haven't said anything. You can always go back and apologize later. That's actually happened to me. A dude totally bullied me in middle school. He was relentless. Years after we graduated, he apologized to me. I couldn't believe how much the gesture meant. This way, I know he's not always a giant ass who bullies people. He felt remorse and found it important enough to let me know he felt the way he did - even if it was years later. It mattered.
  12. Being too late. I'm almost always late so I probably should stick to what Elite Daily says. Oh, it looks like it's something I could learn from. See the reason you're late and don't make it your reason again.
  13. Having a bad attitude. We all have bad attitudes sometimes. Geez. We're human. Just don't let it happen all the time. Feeling like it's happening all the time? Go see someone about it. This could be more than just a bad attitude. All of it, though.... no shame.
  14. Giving up. Good heavens. If you stuck with everything, you'd be one frustrated person. It's okay to give up sometimes. Focus on the things that are important to you and don't give up on those. There is such a thing as "too much".
  15. Who you are. This is a big one and something all of us seem to be trying to accept. This covers everything from the way life is going to the actual person you are. Think back, though. If you would have just chilled and accepted things as they were, it would have saved you a whole lot of stress, heartache and time. You are who you are - embrace that awesome person. As far as life goes, it will all happen how it's supposed to happen no matter how much we kick and scream.


Do you feel better?

Now let's go out in the world and conquer it!

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