‘Reclaim Idaho’ Announces New Initiative
The name "Reclaim Idaho" may ring a bell, as just about a year ago this grassroots movement right here in Idaho took to the pavement to fight for Medicaid expansion. The group was responsible for getting the initiative for expansion onto the ballot in 2018 and despite the fact that many believed something like that may be a little too liberal for the State of Idaho, voters came out in full force. In a bold statement to lawmakers, 60 percent of voters came out in FAVOR of expanding Medicaid access and now because of that movement and those results, expansion begins after the first of the coming year, 2020.
It seems that the efforts of Reclaim Idaho struck a chord with Idahoans and now that they can say the battle for expanded Medicaid was won, they're looking to kick off their next initiative surrounding a hot topic here in Idaho: education.
I think we can all agree that despite varying opinions of the means, we all want the END result to be greater educational results for the children of our state. Reclaim Idaho says they have just the plan.
In their new initiative, volunteers and organizers are proposing the "Invest in Idaho" plan. This includes raising the tax rate for Idahoans that make over $250,000 a year, for married couples bringing in over $500,000 a year, by three points. The plan also raises corporate tax rates to 8 percent-- a rate that already once existed in Idaho just about 20 years ago. According to organizers, less than 5% of Idahoan's will be effected by this tax increase yet the impact on Idaho's schools could be huge.
Upon approval from the Secretary of State and Attorney General here in Idaho, Reclaim Idaho will begin seeking 55,000 signatures--the total needed, to get this initiative on the ballot in 2020.
How do you feel about these tax increases? Would they effect you? Does the end in this instance, justify the means?
Learn more about Reclaim Idaho, HERE.