What They Don’t Tell You About Marriage
The big day has finally come and gone. Years of meticulous planning and attention to detail have all paid off. She looked stunning in her dress, and you rocked out the tuxedo. Your new father-in-law brought a tear to everyone's face with his speech on how his little girl is all grown up. The ring is on the finger, and family has have returned home. The excitement has tapered. You're married.
As I've grown, I've realized the most significant events in your life don't come with an instruction manual. I felt that way when my daughter was born. There's a moment "usually after everyone has left" when you realize you have no idea what to do with a baby. Marriage is the same. Here are some suggestion for the newlyweds and seasoned marriages that I've picked up through trial and error.
1. You hear marriage takes work, but seriously take the time to work on your marriage.
2. Don't let her think your job is more important than she is.
3. Remind her of how beautiful she is, and then do it again.
4. Delete women from your past from your social media.
5. Continue reminding her how beautiful she is.
6. Listen, with your ears.
7. Put the phone down, talk and listen.
8. Repeat steps 3 and 5.
9. Never go to sleep upset.
10. It's ok to be wrong, even if your not.
Remember, marriage has it's highs and lows. It's NOT a Disney movie. But in the end, I believe it's worth it, and hopefully, with these suggestions, you can live your happily ever after.