Can we just talk about one of the most underpaid occupations in the country? I'm no expert but teachers should get pretty much paid more than anyone else, period. The more you pay the more demand right?

Think of how important these men and women are to the future. Think of what a teacher's responsibilities are in 2019. Seriously, think about that. These heroes face more challenges that include protecting our kids from mass shooters. just completed a research study that ranked teachers pay by state. They ranked these on how much less do teachers make than the average salary in their state. For instance, Colorado came in dead last. This means if your dream is to teach you might wanna rethink moving to Colorado. They also had the largest pay gap of making 40% less than any other profession in the state. That's shocking to me.

If you're looking to be surrounded by celebrities, the drama and that historic Hollywood sign you might wanna think L.A. Yes, California comes in at #1.

I can pretty much guarantee Idahoans don't wanna live anywhere close to that busy California lifestyle. If you want a profession in teaching our children Idaho is a solid state to live coming right in the middle of the pack at #20.

Idaho teachers make about 20% less than the average salary of all occupations. Is that good? I'm not sure how you would rank that but I'd say it might be growing in the right direction as teachers get more power. I personally think teachers should pay for anything 🍎

Thanks to all our teachers and I've listed a more in-depth look at the link below.

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