Do you have light eyes or dark eyes? You are either better at sports, a lightweight on the weekends, a champ at handling pain or seen as trustworthy. 

According to a study done by, what I can only assume are smart people, your eyes reveal a whole lot more than you're probably prepared for. Thanks for the info Elite Daily.

All you have to know is if you have light eyes or dark eyes.

Have you made your choice?

Okay, let me tell you a little about yourself (according to other people. Smart people.)

Light Eyes

  • You're kind of snotty. People with lighter eyes were found to be "less agreeable" and far more competitive than dark-eyed people.
  • You can handle more pain. Child birth? Yeah, you've got that on lock. You're a champ.

Dark Eyes

  • You get drunk faster. Dark-eyed people were unable to consume as much alcohol as light-eyed people.
  • You are trustworthy. Kind of. People view you this way so it doesn't mean you are actually this way.
  • You're more powerful and dominant.
  • You're better at sports. This is the case when it comes to hand-eye coordination.

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