8 Things Old School Idaho Kids Did With Dandelions
Decades before we were homeowners saddled by the unrealistic expectations of Homeowners Associations and perfectly manicured lawns, we were curious kids exploring the imaginary wilds of our backyards.
The grass was green, the sky was blue, and bologna sandwiches with a .25 bag of chips and squirt juice made for a primo lunch. But somewhere along the way, we lost touch with the wonder of simple joys. Swinging as high as we could so our feet could touch the sky, or gathering dandelion bouquets for our moms are two that come to mind.
A nod to some of the best parts of our childhood, you're invited to journey with us down memory lane. And no matter where your childhood roots were planted, all are welcome.
8 Things Old School Idaho Kids Did With Dandelions
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