August 30th thru September 3rd is the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic, an annual tradition in the City of Trees where thousands gather to watch hot air balloons take to the sky in a once-a-year spectacle.

Will things be looking a little different in 2023 due to cancel culture?

Every year at the Spirit Of Boise Balloon Classic, we get to see all kinds of hot air balloons. Darth Vader, Spongebob, sponsored balloons, even American flag balloons. It's pretty cool. There's one balloon design, however, that you may be curious if you'll be seeing this year: Any balloons featuring a rainbow design or color pallette.

Cancel culture is a real, real thing in 2023, and folks are searching for a scapegoat for their outrage. As of late, much of that outrage has been targeted at the LGBTQIA+ community, even right here in Boise. Some folks don't want gay people to be able to get married, or for transgender people to even exist. It's not a fun time.

But does that mean that the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic won't be featuring any rainbow balloons in 2023 in fear of outrage?

Of course not. Wouldn't that be silly?

It's a family event, and kids like colorful balloons. As children, we all liked colorful balloons, so no need to act like it's some new revelation in 2023.

Let us all try to enjoy this one singular local event where we all agree it's just for fun, good times, and to get us away from all the outrage. Even for just a few minutes.


5 Best Places To Watch Boise's Hot Air Balloons

Yes, they've taken over the city's skyline this week--but where can you get the best look? Check out these top five suggestions.

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