Bogus Basin Closes Due to Lack of Snow
Looking back at your "On This Day" photos on Facebook, you're probably thrilled that we're not buried under 9" of snow like we were this time last year.
Those are exactly the pictures I saw on my feed this weekend. It's been one year since my friends from Team Run Boise and I braved the blizzard at the Hot Cocoa Run. All of us were sharing pictures of us trying to run through snow that was 6" deep in some places and icicles hanging off our faces when we finished from the blizzard conditions that rolled in minutes after the race started. We all agreed that we're loving the mild conditions we've had in the Treasure Valley during the first week of 2018, but highs in the 40s and a lack of snow hasn't been kind to the mountain.
After scaling back operations and discounting life tickets over the weekend, Bogus Basin is being forced to close on weekdays due to lack of snow. They'll be closed Monday-Thursday this week, but are optimistic that a storm that's supposed to roll in mid-week will dump enough of the white stuff to allow them to reopen in time for Toyota Free Ski Day on Friday, January 12. They'll make that call later on this week.
The closure also affects the terrain park, Pepsi Gold Rush tubing hill, mountain coaster and beginner lift.
Bummed and still craving fun in the snow? If you just can't wait until Friday, check out the tubing hill and terrain park at Eagle Island. Gateway Parks has snow making capabilities and is open for fun!