Boise Ramen Ping Pong Restaurant Delayed – Indefinitely
Last July, we celebrated when we heard about a Boise restaurant combining ramen noodles, ping pong, and alcohol. Then it got delayed. Now, it's happening again.
It kills us to be the bearer of bad news on this one.
Originally, RamaPong was the brainchild of the owners of Boise Fry Co. It was to be in their basement, serving ramen noodle dishes, alcohol aplenty, and feature numerous ping pong players for customers to enjoy. Sounds too good to be true, right? It was supposed to open last July, then got delayed to "Sometime in 2016," and here we are in late 2017 and still no RamaPong.
What's the hold up this time? New ownership, an expansion of Boise Fry Co., and some unspecified "red tape" from the city of Boise. Previously, RamaPong was simply on a "delay" to open, now the project seems to be on indefinite hiatus.
Will we ever see RamaPong open their doors to the noodle-loving public? Will there come a time where we can chug a beer, slam a spicy bowl, and play a game of ping pong? As of this writing, we sadly don't have the answers.