Mother's Day is around the corner and many people are having to make a decision, Do I break quarantine to go see mom? This can be a tough call because the last thing you want to do is unknowingly pass along the COVID-19. The other side of that, is that Mothers Day only comes around once a year and we all want to honor our moms. This is especially tough if your mother is elderly and to be frank you simply don't know how many more Mother's Days you have to share with her. surveyed 500 people and here are the results. Hopefully this helps makes your decision and easier one.

  • 15% of people will break quarantine to spend Mother's Day with their mom
  • People who are quarantined with their mother are 22% happier
  • 35-44 years old are the most likely to see their mom's on Mother's Day, no matter what
  • Only 3% of people don't want to see their moms

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