Snapchat is all "It's Opening Day" and gives you the option of adding a filter that puts a baseball hat on your head and adds eye black making you look like a legit player! Well, neighbors, it's looking like everyone in Boise is a Mariners fan today. 

I can hear the comments all around me about Snapchat's opening day filter. Since Boise has turned into an awesome melting pot of people who have moved from all over, it's also become more diverse - especially when it comes to sports.

You may have to skip today's filter if you aren't a Mariners fan. I've searched high and low for a way around naming us all Mariners fans. People are asking "What about the Rockies? What about the Giants?"

Because Snapchat takes instructions from their geofilter, it has discovered that, since Denver is 816 miles away and Seattle is 503 miles away, we have an allegiance to Seattle baseball.

Give your team a shout in the comments below!

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