April is Stress Awareness Month. Do we need to be paying better attention in the Gem State?

Wallethub.com compiled a list of how stressed every state in the U.S. is in 2017. They averaged their findings based on work-related stress, money-related stress, family-related stress, and health and safety-related stress. The most stressed out state in America? Alabama, followed by Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky. The least stressed? Minnesota, North Dakota, and Iowa.

Idaho oddly enough falls almost smack dab in the middle at #31. Our biggest sources of stress is money, while we're least worried about work-related stress. I guess this is one list where we sadly don't find ourselves at the forefront.

The study also points out that stress is back on the rise in 2017. Experts say this is due to the election, our current political climate, fear of violence, and uncertainty about our nation's future.

In a 2016 study, Wallethub.com found Boise to be one of the least stressed cities in the country, landing at 136 out of 150. Another win for all of us here in the Treasure Valley!

Now let's relax, kick back, and enjoy some of the finest brews Boise has to offer, shall we?



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