You can’t live in Idaho and not at least be familiar with the drinking culture, or the fact that we have so many incredible vineyards, breweries, hops fields, and even more local product etc. In fact, some might say there's a drinking problem here in Idaho... but the information below might change your mind a little... maybe.

A recent article by List Wire breaks down which states (and D.C.) drink the most beer each year in the country, and they ranked them per capita. They said...

“In just over a decade, beer's popularity has grown and stretched the demographic..."

"Spanning the cultural arch from fancy New York restaurants to minor league ballparks in the middle of nowhere and everywhere in between. And that type of brew-on-demand can be seen in Americans' overall consumption averages, where the national per-year tally breaks down to almost a 6-pack a week."

So, where does Idaho rank on the list of all 50 states and Washington D.C.?

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Idaho is ranked number 33

They said, “Idaho folks didn't mind a beer in 2021, averaging 27.8 gallons per capita.”

I don’t think Idahoans will ever mind having a beer, regardless of what time or year it is haha! But also, 27.8 GALLONS?! That’s crazy that we’re only number 33 on their list. However, we did rank far ahead of Utah, as Utah is number 51 — in dead last.

Keep scrolling for an awesome list of local breweries in the Boise area perfect for raising a toast! And even further you’ll find MORE Boise bars and breweries for Craft Beer Lovers 👇

Craft Beer Lovers: Name a better duo than Boise & Breweries - I'll wait.

Boise is proving to be a hot spot for local breweries, and we couldn't be more excited.

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The experts that we are referring to are the patrons that go to these dive bars on a regular basis, who else better ask?

The Most Instagram Worthy Bars and Restaurants in Boise

These Idaho Agriculture Facts Will Blow Your Mind

All facts and information was provided by this Idaho Agriculture Infographic from 2021.

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