More Scooter Are Taking Over Boise!
Full disclosure, I've never "scootered" around anywhere. I'm pretty clumsy, so I can just see the Urgent Care visit in my head. However, scooters are very popular all over the country and Boise is no exception. We already have two e-scooter options from Bird and Lime that launched last October( we even have a scooter station at our office building), but do we really need a third? Apparently the demand is there and none other than the Ford Motor Company, through it's Spin, subsidiary is set to launch in mid-March. Based in San Francisco, the company is bringing around 250 e-scooters to town and will require a $5 initial load into your account and then cost $1 to unlock the scooter and .15 cents per minute(so scoot fast :).
According to the story from KTVB, Marketing Coordinator Alysia Montano says she believes adding a third scooter company will be successful, "I think micro-mobility is the way of the future, ultimately it's also about the planet so we want to be able to lower emissions," Montano said. "Honestly, if people can have a better choice besides riding in cars, we want to be a part of that."
So what city in the Treasure Valley is next? Meridian! The city council is accepting proposal and will eventually approve 2 companies for e-scooter placement.
What is our fascination with things on wheels? Roller skates, skate boards, roller-blading, those shoes with the wheels in them, that only 12 year old dudes could seem to use properly. LOL
Okay I'll jump on the bandwagon, err uh the scooter, just get the stitches and band-aides ready.