So Many People Are Being Quarantine and It Just Happened To Us
Let me first start by hoping everyone is healthy and safe. I've been talking with people losing jobs and wondering what's to come. Stay positive and I'll keep posting job opportunities as I find them.
We did our morning show solo today because my co-host is in quarantine. Kat has a family living in Seattle and a sister in Washington DC. Kat just came back from visiting and has been dealing with a cough.
Yesterday the entire team went through a pop-up evaluation from St. Luke's team. Kat got tested and quarantined immediately which puts her out of the studio for a week. She feels fine but nobody wants to take a chance so it's just better to safe at this point.
Today's show was different but so much fun talking to other Idahoans going through similar situations. We got to speak to our friend stationed in South Korea who called in to give some advice.
Don't panic. We've been paying attention to what's happening back home in Boise and do the best you can to follow the rules. Be safe. Wash your hands. Stay inside if you can. It will pass I promise.
That was our friend Kiara listening to the app while her husband is working. She was messaging us from Instagram. Thanks to our listener Kiara and for your husband's service. I was signing out of Instagram when another one of our listeners mentioned she lost her job. I must have seen three other people in 15 minutes talking about jobs that got halted due to the coronavirus.
I'll keep you posted on what's happening with Kat hoping that everything comes up negative. We understand our responsibility at radio personalities and want to keep you posted. Make sure to check back because I'm getting information on local companies hiring which could be helpful to you. My friend just said that Albertsons and Walmart are hiring.
Stay safe. This will pass.