The words "moving" and "Idaho" have been in the same sentence more than most over the last few years. Sprinkle in "Californian" and we might have a Bingo! What's the big deal? Well, just about everyone under the sun has an opinion on the great migration to Idaho. Especially Idahoans.

With the massive amount of growth coming to Idaho, it's a lot of "get out" and "we're full" verbiage--but is anyone talking about the folks that are leaving Idaho? Allegedly...?

According to a recent survey, folks are fleeing Idaho...for these 5 cities? 

Five Cities Idaho Residents Are Fleeing To Due to Climate Change

While 'Climate Change' will always be a highly debated topic in American politics--a recent survey says Idahoans are moving to these five cities because of it. Check them out, below:

Do you know anyone that has left Idaho for reasons related to climate change? 

The survey writes of their data:


Seattle emerged as the top destination for Idahoans to move to. The city's moderate, marine climate offers relatively mild temperatures and a pleasant amount of rainfall throughout the year, providing a welcome alternative to hotter and more extreme weather patterns. Seattle is also surrounded by natural beauty, with the Olympic Mountains to the west and the Cascade Range to the east, as well as numerous parks and green spaces within the city. 


Does any of this ring true to you? Post up and let us know.

By the way--when people leave Idaho, they quickly learn that the grass isn't always greener... 

6 Reasons People Who Move from Idaho Say They Regret Moving

Do you know someone talking about moving to Idaho that you would rather not have to deal with? Here are some suggestions that might change their minds on Idaho: 

11 Places To Suggest If Someone Tells You They're Moving to Idaho

So, someone just told you they're thinking about moving to Idaho. Here are ten alternatives you can suggest to keep them away.

25 Affordable Cities to Look into Before Moving to Boise

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