Time traveling on Google Maps is fun, but unfortunately the car can’t drive through what’s quite possibly the most unique space in Downtown Boise - Freak Alley Gallery!
Today we say goodbye to a really good friend 😭, but welcome her to a brand new chapter in life. Michelle Heart (Middays/Assistant Brand Manager/Anything else Keke needs) will be taking her 🎧 down the hall to sister radio station, 107.9 LITE-FM.
"It seems to me that no matter the faith a person may hold, we all share our lives with so many souls that it is impossible to see any end to the relationships we make." - Marc Roberge, OAR
Since it looks like the river won't be open until at least August (if at all) I'm thinking it's time to really get into a new hobby: Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP!) It's super fun and a surprisingly awesome workout!
April 26th is Denim Day and the Women's and Children's Alliance spent a rainy day with us out at the Village. The rain wasn't going to stop us from cycling to break the cycle, nor was it going to stop the Treasure Valley's finest. Boise Police Chief Bones and Ada Country Sheriff Bartlett teamed up with their units to come out and ride...