If there’s one thing that can make anyone’s home feel complete it’s a dog and there’s no better place to get one than the Idaho Humane Society. It’s very common to hear the phrase “adopt don’t shop” but after visiting the Humane Society it is very easy to understand. The pooches are insanely adorable and deserve a loving home just as much as any other dog if not more!

No one loves these dogs more than Bailey, a volunteer dog walker who spends her weekends showing the dogs some love until they can find their forever home. Baileys says “They have some of the sweetest animals I’ve ever met. The staff is always very helpful and they genuinely care for the animals and want to find them the best home.”

The Dogs of The Idaho Humane Society

These dogs would love a Boise family.

The Idaho Humane Society also has their annual See Spot Walk fundraiser coming up which is their annual dog walk and festival at Julia Davis Park. It’s October 7th at 10 AM and there is still time to register! With plenty of vendors, this is the perfect place to meet other dog lovers and meet some amazing new furry friends. Bailey says “This event is a great way to interact with other animal lovers as well as support the animals at IHS and their mission.” Even if you can’t attend the event there is still a way for you to donate and at any time the Idaho Humane Society would love for donations.

There are so many wonderful different pets you can adopt at the Idaho Humane Society! They have everything from dogs and cats to rabbits, birds, and mice. There is a special pet for anyone to take home!

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