Vaccines For 65 and Older Rollout On Monday
As the global pandemic struck our nation and the rest of the globe, some of the earliest science to surface was the impact that the disease was having on our older populations. Those with underlying health conditions and those who were elderly were seeing far greater health complications than those younger demographics. This impacted everyone, however. Videos quickly surfaced of families saying goodbye to elderly loved ones--for the final time--through windows of FaceTime. Not being able to be IN person with those loved ones was and has continued to be really difficult.
Personally, my visits to my grandparents in Nampa have slowed down out of extreme caution. Working at the radio station often means being out in public a lot and that isn't a risk I'm willing to take when I go to see them. I also have a grandmother in Texas that I didn't get to see at all this year because of COVID.
While these vaccines aren't a cure by any means, they are a step in the right direction. Starting Monday, vaccinations for Idahoans aged 65 and older will be available. Let a loved one know!
I learned over the weekend that both of my grandparents here in town are eager and ready to get their vaccination which totally warms my heart. If any loved one in your life is older than 65, make sure you help point them in the right direction for the vaccine.
If you fall under the Central District Health umbrella, find vaccine info HERE.
If you're under the Southwest District Health umbrella, info is HERE.
Let's get through his together, Treasure Valley!
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