Life isn't getting any easier for working women. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' annual American Time Use Survey, American women worked longer hours, spent more time caring for their children, did more work around the house, and slept less in 2018 than in years past.

The Wall Street Journal reports that employed women worked an average of seven hours and 20 minutes per day, compared to just under eight hours for men--the smallest gap on record.

Additionally, women spent about half an hour per day more than men on household chores and an additional hour per day caring for a child. Working women are also relaxing, exercising and sleeping less--although they still tend to get a bit more sleep than men.

This is based on genders alone, but what about factoring in a single woman? My work days begin with a 3:30a alarm, a 4:30a in studio time, and a 2p-4p finish time, depending on the day. Then I'm typically going on a long run, doing a HIIT class and sometimes don't get home until 7p. That doesn't sound too late for some, but when you're leaving the house at 4:15a, that's a long day. Then I still have to make dinner, take care of my cats, shower, show prep, clean and do chores.. the day doesn't ever end it seems.

So are we doing too much? Imagine if I had kids. Something would have to give, and it would probably be my workload and/or working out. Thankfully I'm able to be selfish with all of my time, but a lot of people can't be. I think the overall takeaway from this is that women are doing more when it comes to work and still maintaining their same household duties.

All I know is: if and when I find my husband, he's doing half of everything at home. We're equal around here.


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