Can You Guess Idaho’s Favorite Electric Vehicle?
The jury is still out on if Idaho as a whole wants to convert to driving electric vehicles. That's a debate for another day.
Regardless of how you feel about electric cars, trucks and SUVs, they're everywhere. Drivers in all 50 states are slowly switching to the quieter, smoother, and less-smelly way to get around in a big steel cage. The question is, what are they buying? More specifically, here in Idaho, what's the most popular electric vehicle that people are choosing to drive?
Surprisingly, it's not a Tesla model. It's the Nissan Leaf.
Nissan's little electric-that-could is Idaho's favorite electric vehicle. It won't hit insane speeds like a Tesla will, but it'll still get you from A to B solely using electricity.
Surprisingly, the Nissan Leaf is also the go-to electric transport for Californians, with the Leaf making up 21% of all electric vehicles driven in the state. Karl Brauer, Executive Analyst at has thoughts:
California has led the charge with green vehicle adoption driven by its Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, which has been adopted by other states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to a large market and therefore more competition for electric cars in California, as seen by the fact that the state's share of Nissan LEAFs is 21.8 percent, lower than all other states where the LEAF is the most popular used EV.
What's your favorite electric vehicle? Do you even have one? Or are you still on the "wHaT aBoUt ThE bAtTeRy DyInG" train?