Donut Thursday: Thanks Medical Professionals
It was a great day over at Saint Luke's today.
Not everyone always gets to say that.
The good folks over at St. Luke's see a lot. More times than not, those who are headed in may not know what's next. Lucky for us, we were there to drop off some donuts for the crew and not deal with any health issues.
ANY day is a great day to thank a health care worker. These folks are on the front lines for us--throw in a pandemic and what would we do without them? I'm lucky enough to have several cousins that work in this field and eve my mom is in the dental world.
We took a box of donuts to the St. Luke's Children's Hospital team this afternoon and gladly shared with the crew pictured above, who came running out to say hi! This team works in the cardiovascular/pulmonary world and they were a riot to visit with. They shared it's been really tough lately with everything going on. We get it.
Thank a healthcare worker when you meet one--and shouts to St. Luke's for being so cool today!