Graduation, for those of us who have been around long enough to finish high school, is an exciting time. With COVID-19, EVERYTHING is different--including how the class of 2020 will be celebrating. Just announced, Boise School District has their plans in place.

So, here's what's going to be different:

  • Caps and gowns will still be distributed to students and each high school will be arranging for safe distribution steps
  • Graduation is going to be virtual-- speeches, profiles and all
  • There is going to be a socially distanced opportunity to walk across the big stage
    • This will be a drive-by operation, in which students and parents pull up to stations that call out the students name, a second station where they will get out of the car and walk across a stage--and then back into the car. Specific high schools will have unique details on the photo opportunities.

I know that if I were still in high school, my friends and I would probably be laughing at this procedure. Not because it's bad but because it's so crazy! What a time we're living in. I know, however, these seniors will have some great memories and stories to tell down the road after all of this.

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