Idaho Hispanic Youth Leadership Summit Sees Growth
The day was huge for many students all across the State of Idaho, as nearly 1,600 attended the Idaho Hispanic Youth Leadership Summit. Boise State University hosted the event and scholarships were given out by the end of the day that totaled over 3,000,000 dollars. Yes, you read that right-- THREE MILLION DOLLARS IN SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED.
I was lucky enough to meet this awesome group of kids that ranged from 8th grade through their senior year of high school, as I sat in on a panel educating them on the media and job opportunities that may be available to them. It was amazing seeing so many hispanic youth representing so many different areas of our state, working hard to secure their future. Some came from as far as Rexburg or even Sandpoint, Idaho.
One of the media professionals along side me, was Jessica Taylor from news channel 6 here in the Treasure Valley. She did an awesome recap of this event that you can see, by clicking HERE.
The Hispanic population in our state continues to grow and as that happens, it is only natural for our community to embrace that diversity and we should celebrate how active and motivated these 1,500 kids were to take a day and plan their future!