Keke and I are going to try out a new segment: Dear Keke and Kat. Stemming from a question I posed to our listeners this morning: Do I tell a girl in Seattle who I don't know that I saw her boyfriend on Tinder here in Boise? Back story is that the guy dated my best friend years ago and I know he currently has a girlfriend.. it looks like he's using Tinder while he's traveling so that she won't find out he's on there.

Anyway, we got a ton of calls because people love giving their input and advice. So Keke and I want to pose your question to our audience with Dear Keke and Kat.

You can email or DM us your question anonymously and if we pick your question, you'll get advice from random people here in the Treasure Valley! Got a situation you need help with? Email me at or hit me on IG @kitkatfisher !

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